If you feel inspired to create something for Sportsocratic we would love to hear from you. If you have a book, a place, a sport or an adventure that you would like to review for us that would be great. If you have a story about someone’s life, sport or adventure we would love to hear about that as well. If you have some strong feelings about or even done some interesting research into an important sporting subject then that too would be something we would want to hear about. We would be especially excited to hear about something that few people have already discussed or reported. New ideas are fun! Actually, it doesn’t have to be the written word. If you have a series of photographs or images that tell a great story that would be wonderful to.
If you do wish to submit something for potential publication just contact, me, Socrates, through our Contact section and tell us about what you have in mind.
Of course your contribution does not have to be in long form. You can comment on any story or submission through the “leave a comment” submission section of any story or article. Please get in touch. We love your comments.
If there is anything that you would like us to cover in Sportsocratic, if there is any feedback that you would like to give us or if you have any questions about what we are doing then please write to us, any time, through the Contact section.