One might think that a liberator is an American World War II heavy bomber. Well it may be in the non-sporting world but in the sporting world it has nothing to do with big aeroplanes. A liberator, in the sporting world, is a critical character in the rarified world of pigeon racing!
A sport?
Okay, okay. I guess that pigeon racing is not a sport in the normal sense of the word but I’ll bet those tough little birds who are ripped out of their comfortable hutch, crammed into a stuffy box with dozens of other pigeons, taken to a secret destination hundreds of kilometers from home then kicked out of the box without a GPS or even a map and expected to rush home at top speed through all kinds of weather and, often, with nasty eagles, hawks or falcons (looking forward to a tasty squab meal) in hot pursuit would not be happy if you told them they were not athletes. Pigeons are surely the Usain Bolts of the feathered world.
But what is a liberator? Well, the name is a giveaway. The liberator is the bastard who frees the flock of racing birds from their box at the starting destination so that they can race home and potentially win the event for their pigeon-fancier boss.

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