Come on you lot. Who can match the profiles provided below with the people shown in the pictures. I will come up with a fancy prize for the first person to comment with the correct matches. It’s pretty easy really.
1. This character said they would gladly give up their successful career to get just one cap playing for their country in rugby
2. For a short period, this individual was one of their nation’s most highly ranked 800 m runners
3. Despite playing for their country in two other sports, the person claims that they really wanted to be an international cricketer
4. This athlete played state league basketball and semi-pro basketball
5. This sporting hero played pro football and pro basketball while studying law at university
6. This world leading athlete in one sport also completed in rugby, boxing and rowing while at university
7. This extraordinary athlete was still striving towards a pro athletic career in their late middle age
8. This prominent individual had a successful career as an aerobics instructor
9. This life-long fitness junkie worked front of house, customer service and sales at the same gym as the aerobics instructor described above
10.This character refused to allow one of the twentieth century’s greatest political events to interrupt a gym session
11.This individual was not only an outstanding rugby player but also a prominent rugby promoter and administrator in their home country as well
12.This athlete is a highly skilled body surfer

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